Creating Character Motivation

Everyone loves a story with interesting characters. It’s not enough to just have great characters; they must be motivated too. A character without it is a boring one. It certainly won’t keep your readers engaged.

The first step in writing compelling character motivations is to determine what your character wants. This could range from something small, like wanting to get the last slice of pizza or something larger, like wanting to save the world. It doesn't really matter what the goal is as long as it’s something your character will work hard for. If you need ideas, consider using a generator to offer some suggestions.

Once you know what your character wants, you can begin to craft their motivations and delve deeper into their needs and desires.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • What does this mean to my character on an emotional level?

  • Does my character want this because they need it or because they desire it?

Understanding these nuances is key when crafting your characters.

Finally, take some time to think about why your character wants what they want. Is there a deep emotional need driving them? Are they seeking validation or revenge? Are they acting out of love or hate? Knowing why your characters are driven can help you create realistic and believable motivations for them.

Writing compelling characters with strong motivations can help make any story more enjoyable for readers. It’s important to take the time to understand what drives each of them so that their goals feel authentic and achievable rather than generic or shallow. I hope that by taking the time to answer these questions, you can build on your characters and make them truly unique.


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