Getting back into the flow; How to shake off the sand and get back into writing.
By Tierre-Lee Curtis
Like any habitual routine, once it’s disrupted, it is much harder to get back into the flow. We all know breaking a bad habit is difficult, but building a good one is even harder. That’s why I’m here to help shake off the sand and get you back into the flow of writing.
Atomic Habits, by celebrated author James Clear, introduces the idea of incorporating extremely simple habits into your daily routine and building upon them. It’s the concept of turning a task into something so easy it loses the hassle of it seeming like a chore.
First things first, what is your overall goal? For example, let’s say you want to consistently write every day. hat’s a big difference to your daily routine if you haven’t been writing often recently. Rather than trying to ride the big kahuna, let’s start by dipping our toes.
Now, I don’t know about you, but I like to acclimate when I get into water – slowly and consistently. So, let’s set a goal of writing one sentence a day. The next day, you could add another sentence to the one before and so forth. Seems too easy, right? Well, before you know it, you’re going to be waist-deep in the flow of building a new daily habit. After a week or so, the one sentence a day will be as habitual and as easy as brushing your teeth (or at least I hope).
Once you have the foundation of your habit carved into your routine, we are going to start adding to it. One sentence turns into completing one paragraph a day, one paragraph turns into one page daily, and so on. Eventually, you’re going to get to the stage where your simple task can be broken down into multiple tasks spread over the week to help break the monotony of a repeated routine.
Without realising, you are right in the barrel of your main goal – you’re writing every day! Now, everyone falls off the longboard from time to time but remember: the only one who’s going to get you back into the flow is you. So, why not shake off the sand and get back in!