Using Storytelling Techniques to Engage Employers

Many wonder if it is necessary to write cover letters, but cover letters are a way to stand out when many are vying for the same position. Besides, they afford some level of personality that the resume does not allow, which is very important.

Seamless storytelling is a key ingredient for making your cover letter impressive and attention-grabbing. And more than that, it allows you to present your personality and uniqueness to an employer. 

To reap the benefits of storytelling in your job application, you need a captivating anecdote or personal experience related to the industry or role to immediately draw employers' attention and pique their curiosity to read further. 

Your cover letter will probably not be read if it is filled with irrelevant information, so be selective with your story and make sure it answers questions your employer may be asking. For example, do they need someone who communicates well or can adapt quickly to situations? You want your cover letter to tell a story that answers that question. A little research into the role and the company will give you an understanding of this. Tailoring your story to align with the company's culture and values shows that you have a genuine interest, are compatible, and would be able to commit to the organisation. 

Some job seekers make the mistake of writing cover letters that appear exaggerated and unfounded. Employers want more than the right skill set – they want the right personality. A seemingly inauthentic story will have a negative impact on how your persona is perceived. 

If you want to narrate your professional journey, share pivotal moments, challenges, and accomplishments that shaped your skills and character, but not in a way that exaggerates them. Rather, let your story exhibit your growth and progress. Show how you’ve utilised your skills to manage your responsibilities and achieve a positive outcome. This helps recruiters see through your character and attitude toward work, giving you a competitive advantage over other applicants. 

While storytelling adds depth, be mindful of the cover letter's length. Be concise with your story so that it effectively showcases your journey and, at the same time, balances what’s relevant and what’s not. The whole application should still be within a page. You should pick just one story rather than multiple stories.


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