An Author's Guide: 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Professional Proofreader

We have all experienced the excitement that comes after dropping the pen; we just can't wait to publish that masterpiece. However, as a smart writer, you now understand that your work requires a skilled proofreader to double-check spelling, punctuation, grammar, and style before hitting publication. You should ask these questions when choosing a professional proofreader.


  1. How long have you been proofreading?

    This is important since more experienced proofreaders may provide a higher level of quality in their work.

  2. What types of projects do you often work on?

    Knowing the areas of expertise of the proofreader will help you assess if they are an appropriate fit for your project. Some proofreaders focus on academic writing, while others may specialize in marketing or creative writing.

  3. What is your proofreading method?

    Some proofreaders use tools or software that guarantee consistency and correctness, while others rely on their own knowledge. Your choice should depend on your book's requirements.

  4. What are your degrees and certifications?

    Proofreaders with relevant credentials or certificates can provide further assurance of their abilities and understanding.

  5. How can you ensure that your work is accurate?

    It is essential to understand how the proofreader assures the accuracy of their work, whether by a specific technique, software, or human knowledge.

  6. Can you show me any of your prior work?

    Viewing examples of the proofreader's prior work will give you an idea of their style and the quality of their work.

  7. What is your proofreading turnaround time?

    It's important to consider the set time for publishing. Check to see if your proofreader is available and willing to proofread within the time frame you've specified, or if you can adjust your schedule accordingly. 

  8. What are your proofreading rates?

    Understanding proofreader fees might assist you in budgeting for the proofreading process. Also, compare this rate with other proofreaders’ rates, and choose what's best for you

  9. How do you manage text edits or changes?

    It's helpful to plan for any additional work that might be required after the initial proofreading if you are aware of the proofreader's revision procedures.

  10. Do You Provide Any Additional Services?

Besides proofreading, many independent contractors also do developmental or content editing, copyediting, and, on rare occasions, copywriting and book formatting. Make sure they are not confused about what you're requesting.


Ultimately, hiring a proofreader will guarantee that your work is polished and professional before you share it with the rest of the world. It is important that you choose the proper proofreader for you and your project.


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